Our Products

Our brands are very successful in delivering the promise of unmatched quality at reasonable price along with a free service of premium technical support for all its customers. We believe in long term relations with our customers and therefore help our customers to maximize their profits at every step of their value chain.

Premium Pre Starter Crumbs

It is a fortified Diet, Supplying extra Proteins, Minerals, Vitamins and most importantly certain additive for enhanced gastrointestinal health. Feeding our premium pre-starter crumbs always benefits broilers in terms of reduced early chicks mortality and enhanced growth and immunity. Premium pre-starter is meant for broiler chicks from an age of 1 day to the age of 10-14 days.

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Premium Starter Crumbs

Our high quality Premium Starter is a necessary diet for a healthy and rapid growth of a bird. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins with the mix of grains to promote rapid weight gain in birds while decreasing morality. Our premium starter feed are crumbled pellets having particle size 1-2 mm. This feed is meant for bird aged between 11-21/25 days, until the bird has achieved of 900 gms. It encompasses total dietary needs of bird at this stage.

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Premium Finisher Pellets and Crumbs

Our premium product Finisher is in the form of pelleted crumbs. Our Premium Finisher has a very high level with proper protein energy ratio which gives rapid and maximum weight gain while maintaining low feed conversion ratio (FCR). This product can be given to a bird from the age of 22/26 days until the birds is sent to the market. This high quality premium finishers completes the feeding cycle and each portion provides perfectly balanced high energy diet to the bird and reduces moratality.

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Premium Concentrate 33%

As the name suggest Premium concentrate 33%is a concentrated mixture of Vitamins, minerals, proteins etc. Which enamels the farmers to get a low cost alternative for finisher. The farmer is free to mix grains of his choice based on a formulation provided by us. This formulation provides farmers with cheap and economic alternative of finisher but they can experience an increase of FCR and Cycle time when compared with ‘Finishers’.